Satsang bites
Satsang bites are audios from Dolano videos taken by helpers in the past. There are sixteen Dolano videos on Salina's wonderful YouTube channel. We converted all the videos to MP3 and put them together in an audio album called Satsang bites. These are not the full Open satsang recordings ( which can be found in the 'Listen to Satsangs' page in this site. These are compilations of interesting questions answered by Dolano in open satsangs. We will keep updating this page once in a while, when Dolano shares interesting bits from her open satsangs .

Note that the questions transcribed below only give a
clue about the tracks, because Dolano often answers the
assumptions behind a question rather than the question itself.
Enlightenment is your nature
When you are no more, then you are
Interested in the last satsang, but I have no time
Am I ready for the last satsang ?