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Some people like to listen, others like to read. In this section, we plan to gradually add transcripts of Dolano's open Satsang. This project is an effort that involves quite a few friends of Dolano, and Dolano herself. 


The transcripts have been corrected for ease of reading, and the content has been reviewed by Dolano. Some swear words that Dolano uses to spice up her satsangs : ) have been removed . 

A white swan in a lake

How to liberate the mind?

Dolano: There is a time when you are tired of the endless seeking and exhausted being on the spiritual path and you are disillusioned....

Are you ready ?

Dolano: "People have a tendency to be focused on enlightenment. When they hear enlightenment they have all those great ideas and do not...

Free of Fear

Shamadha: My question is about fear. Fear of being on this "holiday", what you are calling the real holiday. (Earlier in the Satsang,...

Beyond feeling good or bad

Rashnu: Please excuse my English is very poor. Dolano: It's okay, me too. (Laughter.) So you should understand my English. Rashnu: I am...

True Meditation

I had been with Osho for a long time, since '79. And I fell immediately in love with meditation. I trusted it the most. Immediately I...

How Enlightenment happened?

My name is Nanda. Could you talk about how you got enlightened, how it happened to you? Okay. This is a question… The preparation for me...

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